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Hamilo Coast and Globe 3G

10:59 PM

This has been a long overdue post. I've been meaning to write about this but I kept forgetting. Signs of aging I guess. So anyway, my mother-in-law had a planning session for PICPA (Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants) Southern Manila Region last June 8, 2013 in Hamilo Coast in Nasugbu, Batangas. She tagged all of us along, except of Ate who had something up that weekend.

We left the house around 10AM, stopped over at Tootsie's Tagaytay for lunch, before arriving in Hamilo Coast around 4PM. Man, this place is so far! I think it's the farthest among all the coves in Nasugbu. They have three coves -- Pico de Loro, Santelmo, and Etayo. Hamilo Coast is a leisure resort developed by SM Land. Jeff and I are not really a fan of SM, just like a lot of people out there because they promote heavy traffic everywhere, but I must say that they did a good job in this place. Hamilo is also exclusive for members only. So if you want to go there but you are not a member, make sure you know someone who has a unit there or a member. I'm not sure if they will sponsor you or anything, but what I'm sure of is you need to pay. Hehe. Also, I believe some of the people who own a unit there have their units leased out for about P11,000 a night. 

When we arrived, we were directed to the hotel, Pico Sands to check in. We shared a room with my in laws, which was okay because there were two queen sized beds in the room. Here are some photos that I took. 

I have pictures of the beach and the outdoor but unfortunately, we didn't notice that my DSLR is on indoor setting so all the remaining photos are overexposed. Sigh. I was able to recover one of them which is a photo of the man made lake in the middle of the condos.

The next morning, we had our buffet breakfast at the building next to the hotel (I forgot what it was called). We checked in on Foursquare and saw that a lot of people said that the breakfast was just so-so. But what is so-so with unlimited bacon and oranges juice?!?! 

Please do not judge. This is not my plate. It is Jeff's. :P

There is no wifi in the rooms of Pico Sands as far as I can remember. We just relied on my Globe Blackberry as a wifi hotspot. I remember watching on my iPad a tutorial on doing fishtail braid on Youtube when I realized that the connection was pretty fast, so I tried to do a speed test. Boy, was I surprised with the result!

I got 4.8mbps on our first day! This is not even LTE as I only own a low end Blackberry. Haha! The next day, I did a speed test again and I still got almost the same result. So hindi lang chamba yung the day before diba?

If you will visit Hamilo Coast, remember two things -- find a member to sponsor you and bring your Globe phone with you. ;)


PS. This is not a paid post. How I wish, diba? :))

Photos taken using my Samsung Galaxy Nexus, edited using Snapseed, and watermarked using eZy Watermark.

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