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Faith and Umbrella

12:09 PM

It's been a few days since I wrote my blog on PCOS. I feel overwhelmed that friends and family are actually sending me personal messages of comforting words. Some were sharing their personal experiences and battles on PCOS and other reproductive health related stories. I feel blessed. I feel that I am not alone in this.

One story that touched my heart greatly was shared to me over private messages on Facebook by my friend, M. I've known her since 2006 when we both worked in Ortigas. She's been with her boyfriend for almost 10 years already, and they've recently been engaged. A few months ago, she got pregnant. It was a joyful day. Two months later, it was discovered that it was a blighted ovum. In layman's term, the baby didn't fully develop. Or bugok in Tagalog. She's the third person I know who went through the same thing this year alone. I did some reading and according to the American Pregnancy Association, blighted ovum is the cause of about 50% of first trimester miscarriages and is usually the result of chromosomal problems. A woman’s body recognizes abnormal chromosomes in a fetus and naturally does not try to continue the pregnancy because the fetus will not develop into a healthy baby. This can be caused by abnormal cell division, or poor quality sperm or egg. It is defective or unhealthy eggs or sperms. Blighted ovum was not the end of her story. She told me that it was also discovered that she has a cyst on her right ovary which is twice as big as the ovary itself. The ovum was removed, as well as her right ovary. I almost cried. What can be more painful than going through those two things all at once? But what made me admire her is that she keeps her positive disposition and told me that she never regrets any of it. I told her that Delamar Arias also has one ovary left and now she's pregnant with her second kid. She told me to stay strong. I really wanted to give her a hug, and cry. 

Just to make it clear, I DID NOT WRITE THAT PIECE FOR PITY AND SYMPATHY. I wrote that because I believe people need to understand what we go through. I'm not quite sure why our society is so fixated and obsessed about newly weds having a baby right away. Over the weekend, I realized that not everyone is cut for parenthood. Some are just meant to be wives and husbands and partners. Some are meant to be aunts. Some are meant to be friends. 

I went through some of our things yesterday and found the blue baby shoes that Carol gave us as a wedding gift last year. It is a constant reminder of faith. My bestfriend once told me: If you pray for rain, make sure you bring an umbrella. That baby shoes is my umbrella. :)

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  1. I remember watching Anthony Pangilinan's talk a weeks ago about his friend who asked for a husband. She prayed to God with a pair of trousers in her hand asking the Lord to give her a man who will fit in those trousers.

    I hope and pray that in time, God will give you and Jeff will give you the bundle of joy who will fit in those shoes too.

    1. Thank you, Glaiza. In God's perfect time. :)

  2. Every woman has a unique reproductive story. Our first baby is now an angel in heaven. I gave birth to him via CS September of last year. We got married March of last year also. He was only 33 weeks and lived only for four hours after he was born. He had complications. We were devastated because everything happened so fast it felt like we didn't have a choice. We didn't know about his delicate condition until our last check up and I had a scan. We're still healing from the tragedy (our first as a married couple) but we're not losing hope. We know God has better plans for us. I'm sure he Has something for you and your husband, too. Let's keep our faith! :)


    1. Edelweiza, that made me tear up! I admire your courage. I will also pray for you and your husband. I'm sure the Lord has a great plan for all of us. Hugs to you!

    2. Thank you for the hugs! Kaya hindi rin ako madalas magFB now kasi nakakadepress, andami na naman nag announce na buntis or kaya nanganak. May kasama pang baby pictures. Hay ang hirap. Pero sabi nga ng asawa ko, positive thinking lang kami palagi. We're lucky we have supportive and loving husbands. :)

    3. Good husbands are gifts from God! Hehe. I'd like to share this blog to you, which another PCOS friend shared to me too. I'm pretty sure you can relate. Sobrang inspiring. :)


    4. Thanks, just visited the link you gave and yes, I could relate. Nakakaiyak pero inspiring nga! :)


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