
The Vision Board

4:15 PM

Before 2013 ended, Jeff told me that we should make a vision board to set our goals for 2014. Giddy about my new stylus, I said I am going to draw mine instead of the normal cut and paste from the magazine. He said he's opting for the cut and paste as he has no talent on the arts department. Well, I don't have much, too. Just so you know, Jeff hasn't made his vision board yet. Haha!

1. Continue my Strappit business. I must admit that I kind of relaxed a little towards the end of 2013. The last quarter of the year was a little stressful for our family so that lead to me being a little lazy to produce more Strappits. This year, I plan to get a sewer that will make this for me so I can just sit down at home and sleep all day. Hahaha!

2. Have a red car. There's a red car here at home, but it definitely is not mine. LOL! I've always wanted a red car. I sure hope that this will be the year for our first car. If not, there's always the next year. But that's really the plan, have a red can soon.

3. A baby! We've been working on this for quite a while now because it's always been a part of our plan to have a baby. I have PCOS but I'm pretty sure God has been intently listening to the desires of our hearts. :)

4. A sexy bodeh. Hahaha! This might be a little confusing because I may not lose weight if I become pregnant this year. So it's either of the two -- baby or bodehhh?!? Hahaha!

5. A macbook. Or an iMac. I really hope the laptop gods are reading this right now. *ehem Jeff ehem*

How about you? Do you have a vision board? What do you have there?

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  1. Mine includes having a blue eyed baby girl lolz. :)

  2. Gusto ko rin gumawa ng Vision Board! :)

    1. Go ahead and make one, too! And then share it to us. How do you plan to do it? :)
