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True love is worth the (long) wait. Really.

10:11 AM

It's been three years and three months since Jeff and I met, and twenty one months since we got married.

I'd like to share a note that Jeff wrote on his Facebook in Christmas of 2011. I meant to write this during the holiday season, but our schedules were really tight and kind of forgot about it. I still get teary eyed when I read this. And as I write this note, there's a lump in my throat that's about to explode. What Jeff wrote made me realize that true love is indeed worth the wait and worth keeping. Everyday, I feel very blessed to be loved like Jeff loves me. The best thing about us is not me loving him 101%, it is him loving me and is returning that 101%. Or maybe even more.

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday, friends!

A Christmas Note 

December 24, 2011, 11:35pm
The last time I completed a Simbang Gabi cycle was in 2009, which was a particularly challenging year for me. Aside from being in-between jobs, I came from a complicated dating scenario. So that year, I challenged myself to complete the 9-dawn cycle. I wasn't in it for the "wish", it was more of a personal short-term goal that I wanted to accomplish. Upon completing it, someone asked me what I wished for. I wasn't really thinking about it, but told myself what the heck, I'll ask for a job and for "the one" to finally come. Yes, I was a hopeless romantic, so sue me.  
2010 came, and the first 9 months were pretty much like what 2009 was.  Stuck in a desk job I accepted since I got desperate, and yep, still no luck in the lovelife department. Then October came. I got a job in the Ayala group of companies, and I met Joy, the woman I'm marrying this coming April.  
I'm not saying that my completion of the 2009 Simbang Gabi helped me grant my wish. It made Christmas 2009 extra special, since it was an accomplishment in a down year for me. Just like my misfortunes of 2009 and 1st half of 2010, it made the blessings that came afterward so much more special. Just like what Mary and Joseph went through, finding a place to stay with Mary going through labor, the end result was worth it, the birth of our Savior, the beginning of our salvation.  
This particular Christmas, I'm thankful for my family. They may be crazy, and we might not be perfect, but I wouldn't be where I am without them. I'm thankful for my TRUE friends, through thick and thin, whatever the situation may be, they have always been there for me. And last, especially not the least,  I'm thankful for Joy. She was the light at the end of my long dark tunnel.,  living proof that God knows best for me, that trusting Him is the ONLY way to go.  
We need not suffer so that our prayers may be answered. Suffering and sacrifice makes us our blessings so much sweeter, and thus makes us much more grateful.  
For anyone who is losing, or has lost hope, well don't. God has greater plans for all of us. Your prayers will be addressed in the right way, at the right time. Just ask Joy :)  
Have a Blessed Christmas Everyone!

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  1. aww. <3 I still owe you two a love story. :) happy new year Joy!

    1. Of course you still do! Haha! Glad to see you back in the grind. ;)

  2. Joyee!!! Happy for you! I remember those rare moments we got to see each other and talk about random things as you were working at night and I work mornings. Was sad when you left SG, but then your true love was waiting for you there, so all things did work out for good. My current roomie is also named Joy so will always remember you...hahaha...God bless...

    P.s. I enjoy reading your blog so keep 'em coming ♡

    1. Ate Abbyyyy! Oo nga, kakamiss yung roomie status natin dyan sa SG. We'll be there baka sa May. Kitakits! Thank you for dropping by my blog! :D
