Jeff and I would regularly kick two pillows off the bed -- the pillows that came from MakatiMed. We don't do this because they aren't our favorite. It's just because they are too thin and not fluffy anymore.
We love pillows. We have six that we bought from Sleepcare when we got married. They always have the 4+2 promo. When Jeff was confined in MakatiMed last December 2012, the nurses told us that we can take the two pillows home. So we did. Last December 2013, it was my turn to be admitted and so we have two more additional pillows. I figured this would just be additional pillows on the bed and we will eventually not fit in there anymore. So I had the bright idea of making two huge pillows out of these four MakatiMed pillows, plus the big throw pillow that my mom gave me.
I started by cutting fabrics from my sewing supplies. I didn't know the size, I just cut them. I sew the sides using the sewing machine at home. I unpacked the cotton from the old (and new) pillows, and put them inside the fabric that I sew. I sew the open side of the pillow by hand. And that's it! It only took me thirty minutes to recycle the most hated pillows on our bed.
Now these are our favorites! Haha! I used two pillow cases to cover them because, I have yet to sew cases for them. I shall get some pretty fabric when I go back to Antipolo or Taytay to make pillow cases. Here's my recycled pillow!

How about you? What do you do with your ugly, unfluffy pillows? Do you just throw them away?