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No, Your Mother-in-Law is not Evil

5:09 PM

One night, while playing mahjong at Topher and Sam's house in Katipunan, our friend Gots said the most enlightening statement ever -- that mother-in-laws are not evil, they are simply not our mothers. 

Queen Narissa from the Disney movie, Enchanted.
Let me get this straight, I have no problems with my mother-in-law. We get along well. I feel that she genuinely cares for me. 

There are just some days that, just like your own mother, our mother-in-law gets somewhat annoying. Mostly, they are annoying because they care too much. They buy you food that you don't eat. Or they force you to eat food that you don't eat. They tell you things that they already told you before. They tend to be so kulit. They treat people differently. 

Simply put, they are like our own mothers, but at the same time, they are not. We tend to have more patience for our mothers, or maybe because we are way too familiar with them. I realized that MIL's always mean well, too. As a new member of the family, we sometimes mistake their goodness as an intrusion. Unless they put rat poison in your food, that might mean something else. 

So I googled photos that I can include in this post and I found a lot of funny mother-in-law quotes. Haha! Sorry MIL's, these are just for laughs. :P

I therefore conclude that playing mahjong is a very good hobby and it makes us realize a lot of sensible things. Hahaha!

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