Terry's Selection

2:23 PM

Last night, I've been thinking what to give Jeff for Valentines Day. I don't have enough budget, plus I don't have time to go out and buy whatever. So I recorded a song for him. If you need lessons on Gifts of a Poor Girl to her Fiance, please talk to me. I have a lot of ideas. :P

Since I don't have a gift for him, I called all the restaurants around the office to book a reservation. Dinner for two is the answer! Apparently, Apartment 1B and Chocolate Fire are fully booked. I can't remember the name of the other restaurant along Leviste, so when I called Apartment 1B, I asked them what was that restaurant. IKR? Haha!

I called Terry's Selection and thank goodness they are not yet fully booked! Yay!

We ordered paella and cuq au vin (geez, somebody teach me how to pronounce this!). Before dinner, Jeff ordered white wine and cheese. Naks pasosyal! Also, Jeff has a 'Valentine pack' for me. It contains: an edible flower, two balloons, and a box of Sonja's cupcakes!

So looks like our Valentines-on-a-budget plan backfired. Happy Valentine's day everyone!

Terry's Selection located at Leviste Street, Salcedo Village, Makati City.

My date with his facial hair. 

Red wine.

More red wine.


Can I take you home?



Jeff gave me this heart candy. It actually tasted like chocolate.

Jeff ordered wine and cheese before we have dinner.

White wine was pretty good.

Not sure what this cheese was. 

Basket of bread.


Cuq au vin.

This was originally posted on www.nom-mage.com. Author decided to merge The Misis Outtakes and Nom-mage together. 

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