Mom and Tina's Bakery Cafe

11:35 PM

After our lunch at Ristras, we dropped by WINK (Written in Ink) for our invitations. After that, we went to Jeff's basketball practice at Rocky's village. ABL is coming up and he will play again. Of course, he/we need a recovery meal. Hey, I got tired watching him too!

He suggested Mom and Tina's along C5. We always pass by this place but never stopped. The place was sooooo Christmas-y. There are Christmas lights and decors everywhere. And it felt like home. Very cozy.

So who's mom and who's Tina in the picture? 

Christmas decors on the second floor wall. 
Very cute centerpiece.
We were asked to sit upstairs because it was packed downstairs.
Jeff's been coughing lately so he got hot calamansi juice.
Biscuits remind me of Popeye's. I was really sad that it closed here in the Philippines.  But I was happy to see this on  Mom and Tina's menu. This was the first thing I ordered. I love this!
I also ordered fish and chips. I wasn't able to finish this one because I ate two of the biscuits. Haha!
Jeff had turkey with mashed potatoes and veggies. It really tastes good. 
Took a picture of this before we went to the parking. I can't wait to go back!

Mom & Tina's Bakery Cafe
106 E. Rodgriguez Jr. Ave., 
Brgy. Ugong, Pasig City
(02) 914-0833

This was originally posted on Author decided to merge The Misis Outtakes and Nom-mage together. 

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