
Staying Fit and Milky

11:05 AM

A couple of weeks ago, I got an SMS inviting me for an event in Timog. Wow, as in Timog in Quezon City. If you live in the south, Timog is far, far north. Haha! The text said that it is for a product launch and Ellen Adarna will be there. I asked right away if I can bring my husband with me. He's quite fond of the Adarna, you see. Who isn't?! I super like her pretty face, too! I also asked if I can bring with me Jeff's bestfriend, Jino, because you know... Haha!

So the four of us went on an 'out of town' trip -- me, Jeff, Jino, and Bea.

Grabbed from Nutririte's official Instagram account.

It was there that I knew about the product -- an oatmeal cereal drink. At first, I was like, blech because I don't eat oatmeal. I am big on eating (hence my vavavoom bodehhh haha!), and I feel like I did something horrible that I have to pay for whenever I eat oatmeal. Oh, there was this one time that I was on a diet so I was eating oatmeal for like a week already, and I saw that there was lechon paksiw inside our fridge. So I put lechon on top of my oatmeal. Hahaha!

Anyway, the event was held in 88 Superclub in Timog. Ellen Adarna is the endorser and she came a little after dinner. Ahhhh, girl crush!

Food Empire, a Singapore-based company, officially launched NutriRite in the Philippines last February 28, 2015. It is a delicious cereal drink that comes in three variants -- oats and honey, original, and low-fat. We were given a few samples to try it and I didn't seem to notice the difference between the original and low-fat.

We were given three of each, but I almost finished all of it before I remembered to take a picture hehe.
The big bosses of Food Empire talking about NutriRite.

Ellen Adarna making a cup of Nutririte.

Here's one of the many NutriRite videos of Ellen Adarna on Youtube.

Check out my fanboying husband right here. Haha!
A photo posted by Jeff Tagle (@jefftagle) on

Oatmeal and Breastfeeding

I am a proud breastfeeding mom to Taglet. We've had so much ups and downs, the downest would be when Taglet was hospitalized because he ingested a lot of blood from my battered boobie. You can read about our breastfeeding story here.

And because I only feed him my milk, I am always on the lookout for ways to boost my supply. I don't say that my supply is low. I can feed him and build a stash at the same time, but having more is not bad, yes? I drink around 2 liters of water everyday and fresh malunggay tea (boiled malunggay leaves with lemongrass and honey). Our maid also cooks tinola with malunggay very often.

There's a study saying that oatmeal boosts milk supply. I don't know if it's true, because remember, I don't eat oatmeal. My sister-in-law says she can express more milk when she eats oatmeal.

"Although there is no scientific evidence regarding oatmeal and milk supply, oatmeal does seem to work for some. Many working moms have noticed that on the days they eat oatmeal for breakfast, they can pump more milk than on the days they eat something else." - www.kellymom.com

I thought, maybe it's time to give oatmeal a try. Besides, it tasted good when they let us try it during the launch. I drank one cup when we came home that night, fed Taglet the whole night (which is about two to three times from 12MN til 6AM), and I still found my boobies engorged in the morning. I was able to express 10 ounces of milk when I woke up! I can normally get about 6 ounces, and 8 on a good day. But ten? That's a lot.

So maybe they were right about oatmeal and boosting milk supply. I drank almost all the samples in two days and I always get 8-10 ounces per session. This thing must be working for me and is actually not as bad as I thought oatmeal would be. It tastes great! Jeff makes some for me when I work at night and he just puts very little hot water which makes the drink paste-like and yummier!

The other day, he went to the grocery and I told him to buy me more NutriRite. He came back with a lot. Haha!

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/nutririte
Instagram: NutriRiteCereal
Twitter: @NutriRite

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  1. I'm not a fan of plain oat meal, either. But I eat oat cookies and overnight oats. :)

    1. Gusto ko din i-try ang overnight oats! Kaso parang mas masarap sya pag nakalagay sa mason jars hahaha!
