Update: Taglet at 13 Weeks

9:38 AM

It's been almost two months since we discovered that we are pregnant. I'm on my 13th week and before I forget everything that are happening with my body, thanks to oxytocin, I will write them down here in my blog.

I thought that I was one of the few lucky mommies who won't experience morning sickness, but when my ninth week came, everything changed. I started feeling the urge to throw up all the time. And I throw up whenever I eat a little more that the usual (I've started eating half of the food that I used to eat pre-pregnancy). There are nights that I have to get up because I need to throw something up. Last week, I went back to drinking my pre-natal milk. I drank my milk before sleeping and a few hours later, I was running to the bathroom, throwing up spoiled milk from my stomach. Man, that's the grossest thing I've ever felt since I got pregnant. Lesson learned, no more milk before going to bed.

Pooping also became a big problem. When women get pregnant, most of the body systems relax, hence the difficulty in digesting food and excreting them. I've tried almost everything -- from eating ripe papaya to prune juice -- but nothing seem to work. I was surprised that when I went back to drinking milk, everything was easier. I didn't know lactose intolerance will come handy one day. Hahaha! Sorry, sobrang TMI!

Sleepiness and tiredness are still number one on my list. I can sleep through the entire morning and just get up because I am feeling so hungry. I also get tired a lot when we walk inside the mall, or when we go to the supermarket. Walking is becoming such a chore. I can't get through a day without afternoon naps.

When my first trimester ended last week, I noticed that I was feeling dizzy many times during the day. Just this morning, I read that the other pesky symptoms such as peeing many times during the day, morning sickness, etc are going away, but the dizziness may replace them. It is because of the progesterone in the body.

Last week also, I went to my OB for my first trimester check up. We were able to hear Taglet's heartbeat! Taglet's heart was beating 148bpm. It was life changing. I feel amazing that I have two hearts inside my body. We also weighed and we discovered that I lost half a kilo since my last visit. So here's the deal, I am overweight when I got pregnant. I was 65kgs in December. When we learned that I was pregnant (5 weeks), I was 68kgs. Last week, I was 67.5kgs. My OB told me that I can only gain four pounds during the second trimester. Wow, that's like what, 2kgs?

Lastly, the other night, Jeff and I were talking like we always do before going to bed. He said, "Bakit sabi ng iba mabilis lang daw tapos before you know it, andyan na yung baby? Bakit si Taglet, ang tagal?" Classic Jeff, so much for his low EQ. Worry not love, we only have 27 weeks left. :)

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