
An Accidental Collection

11:03 AM

Before I got that coveted two-line positive result, I went through so many single ones. And yes, I meant home pregnancy tests. 

I visited my box this morning and I counted the tests that I've thrown inside it since Jeff and I got married. I have 26. Not to mention, I've thrown away a lot of them that turned negative. Maybe I've used about 40 of them. All single one of them gave me the same answer -- a negative pregnancy result.

As you may remember, I knew about my pregnancy through a blood pregnancy test in Healthway in Alabang Town Center. I opted for this because my home tests were giving me a second faint line and I had to make sure.

Every month for the past twenty one months, I buy pregnancy kits to test if I am pregnant. I just don't buy one, I buy multiple! I have this thinking that maybe, one will malfunction and I will end up believing that I am not pregnant while I am. But it never happened. Everytime the test gives me just one line, I feel like crying in the bathroom. Another month wasted, another hope shattered. Watsons and Mercury Drug have made so much money from desperate women like me.

You can call me crazy for keeping all these tests, but that's fine. This will remind me of the long journey that we had to go through just to have a baby.

Just remember that in Math, negative + negative = positive.

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  1. Hi :-) can you tell me how much the blood test in Healthway costs? You may send it to my ask.fm nalang if you want to keep it private. Just wanna have an idea how much.


    1. Hi Vanessa! The pregnancy blood test costs P496 in Healthway. I wrote my experience here: http://www.misistagle.me/2014/02/bucketlist-9-pregnancy.html

      Thank you for visiting my blog! :)
