
Recipe: Fishball Sauce Kalye Style!

4:44 PM

The last few weeks have been crazy for me. Being pregnant is crazy, but I love it! Haha! I started having weird cravings like paksiw at 3AM, siopao, and donuts. Good thing Jeff is always to the rescue and get me anything that I want, on the spot!

The other day, I craved for the fishballs that are being sold in the market. Jeff didn't allow me to eat that, so the solution was to buy fishballs in the supermarket and make our own sauce.

Photo from iamthecook.blogspot.com

I browsed the internet and found one written by Michelle Ignacio of Certified Foodies. I followed her recipe but it was too sweet for me so I added vinegar. I am sharing the recipe here, but I don't have photos haha! I was too eager to eat them fishballs once they were cooked.

4 cups water
2 tsbps cornstarch
2 tsbps all purpose flour
3/4 cup brown sugar
4 tsbps soy sauce
2 tsbps vinegar
1 red onion, minced
4-6 cloves of garlic, minced
1 siling labuyo, chopped (optional)
1tsp salt

1. Mix water, cornstarch, flour, brown sugar, and soy sauce in a pan. Remember that cornstarch doesn't dissolve in hot water, so don't put the mixture on the stove until you've dissolved everything properly.
2. Put it over medium fire.
3. Continue stirring until it boils. Put the vinegar and let it boil again before mixing. I learned that from my mother. She said to cook vinegar properly, you have to let it steam off first. Eh basta, pasingawin daw! Hahaha! This prevents the bitter aftertaste. Or something like that.
4. Add the onion, garlic, chili (if you've decided to put some), and salt. Turn the heat down and continue stirring until it gets the consistency that you want.
5. Fry your fishballs. Jeff and I also bought some squidballs. Next time we'll also have some kikiam and chicken balls.

You can now serve it to your liking -- in a bowl, or in a jar just like the ones we find in the street. For more feel na feel fishballing, you can even buy sticks and make tusok tusok the balls. Hahaha!

Craving solved!

Happy weekend, everyone!

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