Eat. Pee. Sleep. (Or my life the past nine weeks)

9:15 AM

The past nine weeks have been amazing. Technically, I've only been pregnant for five weeks because that's when we learned about the pregnancy.

I love being pregnant. I love that I can wake Jeff up in the middle of the night just because I want to eat something, or that he really tries to find everything that I want to eat. I've got a very excited father-to-be right there. The thing is, I only do three things the most -- eat, pee, and sleep.

According to what I read and contrary to popular belief, pregnant women don't eat for two people. Technically, you only eat for 1.3 people. It's just adding 35% on what you normally eat. I am not quite sure if I am eating properly. I just eat what I want to eat. One time, I wanted to eat paksiw na bangus at 3AM. The other time, I wanted to eat small, toasted pandesals for breakfast. I also noticed that although I get hungry more often (my hungry schedule is 7AM, 9:30AM, 12NN, 2:30PM, 6PM, 9PM, and sometimes, 2AM), I can't really eat a lot. I have started throwing up a week ago and I realized that I only throw up when I eat a lot. I used to eat one burger in one seating. Now, I can only eat half, and then the other half later if I still want it, or if I didn't ask Jeff to eat it. I also noticed that I throw up when I don't eat enough.

Before I even got a positive result on my pregnancy result, on my second or third week, I've been visiting the toilet more often that the usual. Nowadays, I visit the toilet 10 to 12 times a day. I also wake up two or three times at night to pee. Imagine my horror waking up at 3AM just to go to the bathroom. Sometimes, I try to just sleep it off again (and I hardly can), or just wait thirty more minutes before I will go to the toilet.

Sleeping is my favorite part of this triad. I get to sleep 15 hours a day (or more) and no one complains about it. I normally wake up for breakfast, sleep again, wake up for lunch, sleep again, and wake up for dinner. I read that pregnant women feel very tired during the first trimester because the body is working too much because of the developing baby. Once the placenta is fully developed, which is around the second trimester, I will have more energy to do things. Maybe I can cook again and do more writing. But it may be too early to celebrate because the fatigue will come back during the last trimester when the baby is getting heavier. Although I love sleeping a lot, it is a bit tiring to be tired all day. Sometimes, I really drag myself to go downstairs and do something. I end up watching TV and sleeping on the couch. I can't fight this Sleeping Beauty disease! Haha!

Apart from being tired of getting tired, I also hate the whole constipation thing. Sorry this might be really TMI, but it is just so hard to poop when you're pregnant. According to books, the digestive system relaxes when women get pregnant, hence the feeling of being bloated all the time. Most of the blood flow is concentrated to the baby that's why some of the body systems are not functioning. I mean, I drink a lot of water, but it is still so hard to move bowels. What I normally do is drink one Yakult a day (para everyday OK! haha!).

Happy nine weeks, Taglet! See you in 31 weeks!


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