The Bucketlist

6:35 PM

Everyone has their own set of things that they'd like to accomplish before they die. This list gave me an idea to have a bucketlist series on my blog. This is going to be fun!

  1. Have a Jollibee children's party.
  2. Ride an airplane.
  3. Go to Disneyland. Preferably Tokyo Disneyland, but Hongkong is good too.
  4. Be on TV.
  5. Eat dirty ice cream under the rain.
  6. Fall in love.
  7. Get engaged.
  8. Get married.
  9. Get pregnant.
  10. Wear bikini on the beach while pregnant.
  11. Visit Boracay.
  12. Go to an obscure beach.
  13. Go scuba diving. 
  14. Own a house. 
  15. Own a red car. 
  16. Own a pair of Nike's.
  17. Read a book in one sitting.
  18. Volunteer at a hospice.
  19. Learn how to drive.
  20. Go abroad.
  21. Go to New York City.
  22. Meet Ray Allen.
  23. Hold someone's hand inside the plane.
  24. Watch a live Purefoods basketball game.
  25. Meet and have a picture with Alvin Patrimonio.
  26. Go to Batanes.
  27. Skydive.
  28. Visit El Nido.
  29. Ride a hot air balloon. 
  30. Buy a nice TV.
  31. Go to the Eiffel Tower.
  32. Own a Louis Vuitton
  33. See snow.
  34. Have a real Christmas tree that would last until Christmas day.
  35. Have a tattoo. 
  36. Publish a book. 
  37. Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.
  38. Backpack Europe.
  39. Be disconnected to social media for a day. 
  40. Swim with the whalesharks
  41. Ride an elephant.
  42. Jump into a pool fully clothed. 
  43. Make an Easter Egg. 
  44. Do a random good deed for a homeless person/beggar.
  45. Do a 10 kilometer run.
  46. Celebrate the holidays away from home.
  47. Go wall climbing.
  48. Go to a drive in movie theater. 
  49. Donate blood.
  50. See the Northern Lights. 
  51. Write a list of 101 things that make me happy and take a picture of it. 

Let's go!

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